Is White Wine Necessarily White?
This is an interesting question that hits many minds of wine drinkers and non drinkers alike. Generally, the wine is made from grapes having light colored skins. However, as mentioned earlier, the grapes may be dark skinned as well. Just like the grapes have variations in color from green to yellow to gold, the white type of wine too have their own variations. Mostly the white wine varies among the flowing colors- amber, pale gold, pale yellow, tuile and straw. However, one must remember that the variations in the colors of this kind of wine are not as much as those available in red wines.
Major Kinds Of White Wine
There are a large number of white types wines available. Depending on brands, vineyards and making process, the varieties can be increased to mind boggling number. However, the simplest classification- on the basis of grape varieties- categorizes the white kind of wine into seven distinct types. Read on. Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Semillon, Moscato and Gewürztraminer are the most popular types of wine. Each of these white kind of wines is suited to either cooking or sipping. Some may be combined with fish while another may be best tasted independently.
Does White Wine Benefit Us?
Of course white type of wine has its own set of benefits. Just like its red cousin, it has its own share of benefits that have caused the health conscious to consume white kind of wine. It has been scientifically proved that white kind of wine reduces the chance of having a coronary condition. However, to avail the benefits of white or any wine, for that matter, there should be a moderate intake and not excess consumption. It also helps reduce the risk of cancer. White kind of wine has a number of other advantages like leading to strong bones, reduction in the risk of having a stroke as well as in improving the lung function.
White kind of wine also can be used in cooking. It leaves behind a subtle aroma and a unique flavor in the foods. In case you were wondering if white kind of wine would be the apt drink for the next bash you throw, go ahead. With the variety in tastes among the various types and the benefits, it is only on you to take a pick. White kind of wine can be made dry, still or even sparkling. There are a plethora of options to select from.
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Bastard Hill Chardonnay.
Article Source: Hill Chardonnay.